This debut film directed by Melina Leon is a stunning achievement. Based on actual events—baby-trafficking in Peru—Song Without a Name, tells the story of an Andean peasant woman who goes to the city to give birth in safety at a “real” clinic, only to discover that… Set in the era of the Shining Path terrors, with a beguiling bow to indigenous Quecha customs, the film is a Kafkaesque thriller slash reverie, at once sad and astonishing. Played the Cannes Film Festival.
Directed Melina Leon; Written by Melina Leon and Michael J. White; 2019; Courtesy of Film Movement; Peru; In Quechua and Spanish with English subtitles; Cast: Pamela Mendoza, Lucio Rojas, Tommy Parraga. Runtime: 97 min.
A new way of seeing.
Directed by Milton Moses Ginsberg, USA, 2019, 5 min
Melina León
Melina León, Michael J. White
Pamela Mendoza, Tommy Párraga, Lucio Rojas, Maykol Hernández
Quechua, Spanish (with English subtitles)
Peru, USA
Film Movement